Just In From Portland Oregon
I am writing this post from Portland, Oregon. I am here because of the Embedded Linux Conference where I am also presenting a talk on how to integrate an open-source software update solution on your board. If you are in the area please stop by or get in touch and lets grab a bear/coffe/whateva :).
This is my first visit to the United States of America and so far it has been a pleasant experience, I arrived last night and have been able to walk around a bit, seeing the city and socializing. Today I will be busy with the conference which is packed with interesting sessions.
I have also registered for the SiFive Hackathon, which is co-hosted with ELC. I will probably not have time to focus on the competitions but I am hoping on doing some kind of hacking on the Freedom U540-C000, the world’s first Linux-capable RISC-V ASIC. First step is probably to setup an Yocto build and boot it on the real hardware, I have tried this with an qemu with successful result and hopefully the transition to real hardware is not that painful.
I am planing on writing a article to summarize the full experience of ELC and and the SiFive Hackathon, so stay tuned! I will also be posting on the event continuously on my Twitter account, follow if you are interested.
I still plan on continuing on writing on my “Updating embedded Linux devices” article series when I get back home and the next project that I will cover is libostree.